In the era of declining birthrates, pregnant mothers should know how to take care of their own nutritional needs. What nutrients are needed, where are the best sources of these nutrients, and even when can they be better absorbed? Just read this article, let us analyze it from beginning to endPregnancy Essence of ChickenWhat a benefit it offers! What nutrients should be supplemented during pregnancy Protein: Protein is an important component of human tissue. It is in urgent need of protein when the fetus is growing vigorously, and it also has a considerable effect on the body loss of …
Indissoluble bond with chicken Because her family runs a chicken slaughterhouse, the founder Lin Tingyi has a deep affinity with chickens since she was a child. In addition to all kinds of chicken dishes on the table, my mother often cooks delicious chicken essence for the three sisters, so that they can supplement their nutrition and save their health. Lin …
Chichichoice – Service Learning Course 2022/03/18 Conduct service-learning sessions at healthcare clinics Let everyone taste the taste and flavor of chicken essence, fish essence and beef essence, And let everyone understand the importance of dripping chicken essence, fish essence, and beef essence. Chichichoice has been holding service learning courses with major medical clinics. Chichichoice adheres to the concept of “service …
More than cats and dogs to add When it comes to taurine, people who have furry children must be familiar with it, especially cat owners, most of them will buy taurine pet food supplements, because cats cannot produce taurine on their own, and long-term deficiency will affect the cat’s health. Eyesight, heart, brain, bile, fertility… and other important physiological functions …
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