It’s really troublesome not to be tall In addition to worrying about children’s schoolwork as a parent, the problem of children’s growth is often a headache for parents. According to the data provided by the NCD-RisC website (Note 1), the average height of 19-year-old males in Taiwan has reached 173.5cm, ranking 102nd in the world, while the average height of 19-year-old females is 160.7cm, ranking 100th in the world. Finding that your child is developing early or growing taller than children of the same age often makes parents quite nervous. They will take their children for bone age examination or …

Daily Diet
Suitable for gift giving and personal use In recent years, “Essence of chicken” has quickly become a popular option for post-illness recuperation and postpartum body supplementation. Brands and businesses have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. It can be seen that Drip Chicken Essence is so popular among Chinese people. In fact, dripping chicken essence is not a fashionable new …
What are the foods that lower blood pressure? Have you heard that arginine can lower blood pressure?
by simonne53 viewsFood is the best medicine Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, once said: “Food is the best medicine.” Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “food and medicine have the same origin.” The “Huangdi Neijing” records: “Using it to satisfy hunger is called food, and using it to cure diseases It is called “medicine”, and many daily food materials can also be …
Daily Maintenance
Photo/Text Health promotion manager Huang Chenglong Watch out for lingering fatigue Do you yawn all day long? If you don’t drink coffee or tea for breakfast or in the afternoon, your brain will crash? Do you often need refreshing drinks such as Brute Bull and Red Bull to maintain your mobility? All of the above situations are signs of …
Three Principles of Nutritional Supplementation After Surgery – You Must Pay Attention to Postoperative Diet
by simonne82 viewsAfter surgery, many patients are affected by drugs and wounds. In addition to physical discomfort, they also affect their appetite and do not want to eat, but in factpostoperative dietIt is very important for patients. Nutritional supplementation is of great help in promoting wound healing and physical recovery. Why is diet important after surgery? 3 principles of postoperative diet …
Insomnia is getting worse Everyone knows that sleep is very important to health, but do you sleep well? According to the survey results of the Taiwan Society for Suicide Prevention in 2021, about 25% of Chinese people have sleep disturbances or mild insomnia, and another 15% % of the population suffer from severe insomnia. Another report in 2020 pointed out that Taiwan consumes nearly 900 million sleeping pills a year, ranking first in Asia and second in the world. If these pills are lined up, the length is equivalent to three Zhongshan heights, which is really very amazing. Poor sleep …
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